Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Spring Flowers

Try this fun and easy spring craft project and see how it will brighten up your room! First take a piece of green construction paper and fold it in half horizontally. Next cut slits down 3/4th of the paper, about an inch wide.

Cut out flowers and paste them to the tops (fold side up) of each section. These tracers are made out of cardboard from recycled cereal boxes. They are very sturdy and have lasted for 4 years.
Curve the ends of the paper together making a cylinder and staple the ends together. Add a ribbon for embellishment.

We made ours on May Day and put them inside clean yogurt containers. The students were instructed to surprise their parents by putting the containers in the fridge or somewhere else their parents would find them. When opened, the opener find a bouquet of flowers!

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